CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD Named 2022 Best Kids and Family Podcast by Spark Media. (3/8/22)
EPISODE 140: This Biblical Prophesy Unlocks All of Human History (w/ Jonathan Cahn) (3/10/25)
EPISODE 139: From Routine to Revelation - Experience Scripture Like Never Before! (3/3/25)
EPISODE 138: Evangelicalism Explained - What Does This Term Really Mean? (w/ Alex McFarland) (2/24/25)
EPISODE 29 ("BEST OF"): 7 Powerful Ways to Influence Culture for the Better (2/17/25)
EPISODE 137: A Guide to Thriving as an ADHD Family with Dr. Tamara Rosier (2/10/25)
EPISODE 136: Attention Please! Understanding ADHD in Kids and Adults with Dr. Tamara Rosier (2/3/25)
EPISODE 135: Mothers Who Saved a Nation: What Deborah and Jael Teach Women Today with Dr. Sandra Richter (1/27/25)
EPISODE 134: Is Our Theology about Women Aligned with Scripture? with Dr. Sandra Richter (1/20/25)
EPISODE 133: Is the Bible's View of Women Outdated or Revolutionary? with Dr. Sandra Richter (1/13/25)
ARCHIVE EPISODE #52: 12 Ways To Build a Stronger Connection with Your Kids This Year (1/6/25)
EPISODE 132: Start Strong: Five Simple Practices for Deepening Your Faith This Year (12/30/24)
EPISODE 131: Faith-Centered Entertainment for the Holidays and Beyond with Jill Wagner (12/23/24)
EPISODE 130: Creating Family Traditions That Can Change the World with Brian Frazier of World Vision (12/16/24)
EPISODE 129: Helping Your Kids Understand God's Good Design for Their Identity with Elizabeth Urbanowicz of Foundation Worldview (12/9/24)
EPISODE 128: How Can Gratitude Radically Change Your Future (11/25/24)
EPISODE 127: How To Live Faithfully in a Culture Filled with Compromise with Martyn Iles (11/18/24)
EPISODE 126: What Most Christians Don't Know about Living in a Lost Culture with Martyn Iles (11/11/24)
EPISODE 125: Handling Political Drama with Christian Grace (11/4/24)
EPISODE 124: The Church's Role in Protecting Women from Abuse with Nancy Pearcey (10/28/24)
EPISODE 123: How Christianity Transformed the Status of Women with Nancy Pearcey (10/21/24)
EPISODE 122: Why Does Our Culture Hate Men? with Nancy Pearcey (10/14/24)
"BEST OF" EPISODE 1 (updated): Why Are So Many Christian Kids Leaving the Faith? (10/7/24)
EPISODE 121: This Common Lie Will Sabotage Your Parenting (9/30/24)
EPISODE 120: How the Prosperity Gospel Fueled Purity Culture and Sabotaged Our Parenting with Dr. lina Abujamra (9/23/24)
EPISODE 119: Finding Freedom from Sexual Sin and Brokenness with Dr. Lina Abujamra (9/16/24)
EPISODE 118: Discovering Your Family's Unique Identity, Purpose, and Core Values with Derek England (9/9/24)
EPISODE 117: An Open Letter to My Child's Woke University (9/3/24)
EPISODE 116: Discovering the Assumptions That control the Way You Think with David Richardson (8/26/24)
EPISODE 115: Is the Christian Worldview Actually Leading Kids away from the Faith? with David Richardson (8/19/24)
EPISODE 114: Exposing the Lost Landscape of Higher Education with David Richardson (8/12/24)
EPISODE 113: Conceived in Rape, Adopted in Love: Ryan Bomberger's Unforgettable Story (8/5/24)
EPISODE 112: Navigating Tough Conversations about Pronouns with Your Kids with Ryan & Bethany Bomberger ( 7/29/24)
EPISODE 111: Interpreting the Divine Message in Trump's Near-Death Experience (7/22/24)
EPISODE 110: How Do We Heal Our Nation? 9 Ways to Unite and Restores (7/16/24)
EPISODE 109: Finding Wholesome Entertainment with Biblical Values with Felicia Ferguson (7/1/24)
EPISODE 108: How To Keep Your Kids Safe Online with Kristen Jenson (coming 6/24/24)
EPISODE 107: How To Talk To Your Kids about Pornography with Kristen Jenson (6/17/24)
EPISODE 106: Social Media and Our Kids: What Every Parent Needs to Know with Dr. Walt Mueller (6/10/24)
EPISODE 105: The Hidden Dangers Lurking in Children's Entertainment with Dr. Walt Mueller (6/3/24)
EPISODE 104: Overcoming the Most Common Obstacles to Strong Mental Health with Dr. Bill Senyard (5/27/24)
EPISODE 103:The 2 Greatest Mental Health Needs of Every Child with Dr. Bill Senyard (5/20/24)
EPISODE 102: How Does God Meet Us in Our Brokenness and Suffering? with Ruth Jackson (5/13/24)
EPISODE 101: 10 Practical Ways That You Can Experience God Like Never Before (5/6/24)
EPISODE 100: The #1 Factor in Maintaining a Lifelong Faith (4/29/24)
EPISODE 99: How To Parent a Prodigal Child with Laurie Christine (4/15/24)
EPISODE 98: The 7 Biggest Reasons Gen Z is Leaving the Faith with Laurie Christine (4/8/24)
EPISODE 97: When You Raise Your Child Biblically and They Leave the Faith with DJ Harry (4/1/24)
EPISODE 96: Raising Kids To Stand Strong in a Godless Culture with DJ Harry (3/25/24)
EPISODE 95: How Godly Parenting is Central to Sustaining Faith & Freedom with Os Guinness (3/18/24)
EPISODE 94: The Dilemma Christians Face at the Ballot Box with Os Guinness (3/11/24)
EPISODE 93: What Most Americans Don't Understand about Freedom with Os Guinness (3/4/24)
EPISODE 92: How Is Equality Impossible without the Christian Worldview? with Dr. Douglas Groothuis (2/26/24)
EPISODE 91: The Shocking Roots of Cancel Culture with Dr. Douglas Groothuis (coming 2/19/24)
EPISODE 90: Infidelity in Marriage: How To Find Restoration after An Affair with Josh & Katie Walters (2/12/24)
EPISODE 89: 4 Mindsets You Need for Your Marriage To Thrive with Josh & Katie Walters (2/5/24)
EPISODE 88: The 3 Most Important Life Lessons Every Kid Should Know (1/29/24)
EPISODE 87: How Can You Protect Your Kids from Being Sexually Exploited? with Dr. Rondy Smith (1/22/24)
EPISODE 86: How Can Christians Get Involved in the Fight against Human Trafficking? with Dr. Rondy Smith (1/15/24)
EPISODE 85: The 8 Words Every Parent Must Say To Their Child (1/8/24)
"Best Of" New Year's EPISODE: 13 Ways To Be a Better Parent This Year (1/1/24)
EPISODE 84: How To Learn More Scripture in 2024 Than You Ever Have Before! with Zac Fitzsimmons (12/26/23)
EPISODE 83: Family Traditions That Keep Christ at the Center of Christmas with Bethany Kimsey (12/18/23)
EPISODE 82: What Huge Lie Does Culture Teach Our Kids at Christmas? with Bethany Kimsey (12/11/23)
EPISODE 81: Can Your Kids Be Whoever They Want To Be in Life? (12/4/23)
EPISODE 80: How Can Celebrating Advent Enrich Your Family's Christmas? with Laurie Christine (11/27/23)
EPISODE 79: How To Biblically Parent a Child Who Identifies as LGBTQ? with Melinda Patrick (11/20/23)
EPISODE 78: Should a Christian Identify as Gay or Trans? with Melinda Patrick (11/13/23)
EPISODE 77: An LGBTQ Mom Responds to Andy Stanley with Melinda Patrick (11/6/23)
EPISODE 76: What Vital Question Do Many Parents Never Ask God? (10/30/23)
EPISODE 75: What Is Really Happening When We Blow It with Our Kids with Kirsten Vossler (10/23/23)
EPISODE 74: 7 Steps to Reset When You Blow It with Your Kids with Kirsten Vossler (coming 10/16/23)
EPISODE 73: How Can God Forgive Sins Like Rape, Abuse, and Murder? with Elizabeth Urbanowicz (10/9/23)
EPISODE 72: What Do People Leaving the Faith Often Get Wrong about God? with Elizabeth Urbanowicz (10/2/23)
EPISODE 71: How Does God Bring Beauty out of the Broken Places in Our Lives? with Andy Howard (9/25/23)
EPISODE 70: When God Doesn't Answer Our Prayers the Way We Hoped He Would with Andy Howard (9/18/23)
EPISODE 69: What Question Burns in the Heart of Your Child? (9/4/23)
EPISODE 68: What Critical Foundation Do Many Parents Miss When Discipling Their Kids with Robby Angle (8/21/23)
EPISODE 67: 5 Simple Habits That Will Reduce Stress in Your Parenting with Elizabeth Andreyevskiy (8/7/23)
EPISODE 66: How Can a Good God Allow So Much Evil and Suffering in the World? with Dr. Douglas Groothuis (7/17/23)
EPISODE 65: Where Did Woke Come from and Where Is It Going? (7/3/23)
EPISODE 64: What Gives Woke Ideology Its Power? (6/19/23)
EPISODE 63: Practical Advice for Parenting through a Crisis with Laine Lawson Craft (7/5/23)
EPISODE 62: Hope and Strategy for Parents with Prodigal Children with Laine Lawson Craft (5/22/23)
EPISODE 61: Hope for Families That Are Battling Mental Health Disorders with Peyton Garland (5/8/23)
EPISODE 60: How Does a Drag Queen Become a Minister of the Gospel? with Blake Howard (4/24/23)
EPISODE 59: How Does a Committed Church Kid Become a Drag Queen? with Blake Howard (4/10/23)
EPISODE 58: 7 Lies Culture is Teaching Our Kids - Are they Buying? with Elizabeth Urbanowicz (3/27/23)
EPISODE 57: How To Teach Our Kids the Christian Worldview with Elizabeth Urbanowicz (3/13/23)
EPISODE 56: How To Teach the Next Generation To Pray with Erica Renaud (2/27/23)
EPISODE 55: The 5 Greatest Cultural Challenges Facing Gen Z with Dr. Jonathan Morrow (2/13/23)
EPISODE 54: 5 Things Every Parent Needs to Know about Gen Z with Dr. Jonathan Morrow (1/31/23)
EPISODE 53: Practical Ways to Disciple Gen Z with Dana Che (1/16/23)
EPISODE 52: 12 Ways To Improve Your Relationships with Your Kids This Year (1/2/23)
EPISODE 51: 5 Family-Centered Films for Christmas (12/19/22)
EPISODE 50: What Can We Learn from a Survivor of Teen Suicide? with Emma Benoit & Jennifer Ellers (12/12/22)
EPISODE 49: How Do We Combat the Epidemic of Teen Suicide? with Emma Benoit & Jennifer Ellers (12/5/22)
EPISODE 48: How Is Our Culture Distorting Sexuality and Harming Children? with Erin Barry (11/14/22)
EPISODE 47: What is Our Culture Teaching Our Kids about Sexuality? with Erin Barry (11/7/22)
EPISODE 46: How To Talk To Your Kids About Biblical Sexuality? with Erin Barry (10/31/22)
EPISODE 45: How Do We Help Our Kids To Understand Biblical Sexuality? with Erin Barry ( 10/24/22)
EPISODE 44: Have You Or Your Kids Been Wounded in the Church? (10/10/22)
EPISODE 43: Why Does Abuse Happen in the Church? [9/26/22)
EPISODE 42: Three Steps to Take When You or Your Kids Are Judged (9/12/22)
EPISODE 41: Six Problems We Encounter When It Comes to Judging (9/5/22)
EPISODE 40: Is It Ever Right to Judge Others? (8/29/22)
EPISODE 39: Have You Ever Been Judged by Other Christians? (8/22/22)
EPISODE 38: How Do Our Words Form a Legacy for Our Children? (8/15/22)
EPISODE 37: Seven Ways to Bless Your Kids with Words (8/8/22)
EPISODE 36: How Powerful Are Our Words in the Lives of Our Kids? (7/25/22)
EPISODE 35: What Do We Do with the Parts of Scripture We Still Don't Understand? (7/12/22)
EPISODE 34: How Can We Help Our Kids Understand Who God Is? (7/4/22)
EPISODE 33: Is the God of the Old Testament A Monster? (6/27/22)
EPISODE 32: How Can Parents Deal with the Difficult Parts of Scripture? (6/15/22)
EPISODE 31: Why Does the Bible Say... Fill in the Blank? (5/31/22)
EPISODE 30: Is It Okay to Question God and the Christian Faith? (5/16/22)
EPISODE 29: Seven Guidelines for Challenging our Culture (5/2/22)
EPISODE 28: Can Our Words Change the Future? (4/18/22)
EPISODE 27: What Do Christian Apologetics and Nashville Hot Chicken Have in Common? (4/4/22)
EPISODE 26: What Every Parent Needs to Know about the Prodigal Child (3/21/22)
EPISODE 25: How Did We End Up with 50+ Gender and Drag Queen Story Hour? (3/3/22)
EPISODE 24: What is the Enemy's Greatest Weapon of Mass Destruction in Our Lives? (2/14/22)
EPISODE 23: What is the Biggest Threat to Our Faith and Our Culture Today? (1/31/22)
EPISODE 22: 13 Ways to Be a Better Parent in 2022 (1/17/22)
EPISODE 21: Why Are So Many People Obsessed with Hallmark Films? (12/20/21)
EPISODE 20: How Does the Enemy Use Culture to Lead Us Astray? (12/13/21)
EPISODE 19: 6 Guidelines for Living a Counter-Cultural Life (11/29/21)
EPISODE 18: How To Swim Upstream in a Downstream Culture (11/15/21)
EPISODE 17: How To Discover Your Purpose in Life (10/25/21)
EPISODE 16: How To Help Your Kids Develop Their Spiritual Gifts (10/4/21)
EPISODE 15: What Should I Expect When I Battle in Prayer (9/13/21)
EPISODE 14: How to Battle for Your Kids in Prayer (8/20/21)
EPISODE 13: 4 Types of Prayer Every Believer Should Know (8/16/21)
EPISODE 12: What To Do if Your Child Walks Away from the Faith (8/2/21)
EPISODE 11: What Does It Mean to Speak the Truth in Love? (7/6/21)
EPISODE 10: 6 Guidelines for Discussing Sensitive Topics with Your Kids (6/21/21)
EPISODE 9: How Does the Christian Worldview Create a World We All Want to Live In? (6/7/21)
EPISODE 8: What Sets The Christian Worldview Apart from Other Worldviews? (5/24/21)
EPISODE 7: What Worldviews are Competing with Your Kids' Faith? (5/10/21)
EPISODE 6: 5 Reasons You Should Teach Your Kids About Other Worldviews (4/26/21)
EPISODE 5: Is the Bible Just a Book Written by Some Ancient Dead Guys? (4/12/21)
EPISODE 4: Is Christianity Just a Religion of Do's and Don'ts? (3/29/21)
EPISODE 3: How Do I Teach My Kids to Contend for Their Faith? (3/22/21)
EPISODE 2: What is the Key for Our Kids to Have an Authentic Faith? (3/22/21)
EPISODE 1: Why Are So Many Kids Falling Away from the Faith? (3/22/21)
2025 Selah Award Finalist for "Best Interview Podcast," CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD
2024 Christian Writers for Life Story Contest - When We Pray (Anthology): Entry "Where Hope & Faith Reside"
2023 Southern Christian Writer’s Conference finalist for Best Online Article (3rd Place), “8 Things Parents Can Learn from a Survivor of Teen Suicide”
2022 Spark Media Award for “Best Kid’s & Family Podcast,” CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD
2021 Selah Award finalist: Best Online Article, “Does Scripture Oppress or Liberate Women?”
2003 PortFolio Award: Writer of Best New Play, True Accents, Generic Theatre
2003 PortFolio Award: Best Lead Actress in a Comedy, A SlapHappy Christmas!, Regent University
1997 PortFolio Award: Best Actress in a Musical, The Taffetas, Dominion Theater
"Becoming a Spiritual Warrior for Your LGBTQ-Identified Child" The Bridge Between Us Podcast
"I Don't Want To Have Kids... I Want To Pursue My Career!" YOUTUBE, PODCAST The Girl Defined Podcast
"5 Lies about Motherhood Most Women Believe" YOUTUBE, PODCAST The Girl Defined Podcast (4/23/24)
"Equipping the Next Generation:Tools To Empower Your Kids against Cultural Pressure" Better Together Podcast with DJ Harry
"How To Parent a Prodigal Child" PART 1, PART 2 - Redeeming the Chaos Podcast with Laurie Christie (2/15/24 & 2/22/24)
"Overcoming Mental Health Struggles Holistically by Addressing Mind, Body, and Spirit" The Emotionally Healthy Legacy Podcast with Elizabeth Andreyevskiy (12/14/24)
"Dispelling 5 Cultural Myths about Motherhood," Rejoicing in Motherhood Podcast with Kirsten Vossler (10/10/23)
Praying Mummy Presents Woman of Valour (10th Edition) Catherine Segars Praying for God's Protection (9/16/23)
"From Grief to Redemption: Catherine Segars' Powerful Story of Faith, Loss, and Motherhood," When Words Don't Come Easy Podcast w/ Andy Howard (9/5/23)
"Canva Basics Workshop" (Conference Speaker) The Southern Christian Writer's Conference (6/8/23-6/10/23)
"How to Persevere for God's Promise," Sparkle Speak Podcast (5/22/23)
"Redeeming Creativity in the Church," Tapestry Church in Virginia Beach (1/15/23)
"Raising Culturally Conscious Christian Kids in a Chaotic Culture," Real Relationship Talk with Dana Che (Episode 121, 12/6/22)
"Finding Hope and Redemption after Great Loss," Hope Along the Journey Podcast with Mark Cravens (Episode 94. 11/2/22)
"How to Teach a Biblical Worldview," Heart of the Matter Radio with Cynthia Simmons (8/20/21)
"Great Information on Choosing to Homeschool," Heart of the Matter Radio with Cynthia Simmons (5/14/21)
Staying Strong Summit: "Raising Kids in a Godless Culture" (April 2021)
2020 Grounded Women's Conference: "8 Steps to Find Redemption After Loss" (April 2020)
Your Called!,” Classical Conversations Trussville Practicum, Trussville, AL, 7/18/19
“Mere Motherhood,” Eastgate Creative Christian Fellowship, Donelson, TN, 5/24/17 (Main Speaker)
“Discovering Purpose,” Eastgate Creative Christian Fellowship, Donelson, TN, 10/2/16 (Main Speaker)
“The God Who Sees Me,” Eastgate Creative Christian Fellowship, Donelson, TN, 5/8/16 (Main Speaker)
“Design,” Women’s Fall Brunch, Eastgate Creative Christian Fellowship, Donelson, TN, 9/21/13, (Main Speaker)
NOWword Nashville’s Overcoming Women, Eastgate Creative Christian Fellowship, Co-Founder, main speaker (2013-2016)
"8 Things a Parent Can Learn from a Survivor of Teen Suicide" (Crosswalk, 1/12/22, 3rd Place Best Online Article - The Southern Christian Writers' Conference)
"8 Ways To Build a Better Relationships with Your Kids This Year" (Crosswalk, 1/4/23)
"7 Ways to Help Our Kids Deal with the Difficult Parts of Scripture" (Crosswalk, 6/18/22)
"What Every Parent Needs to Know about the Prodigal Child," (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 3/22/22)
"What To Do if Your Child Has Walked Away from the Faith" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 8/4/21, #3 Most Popular)
"6 Guidelines for Discussing Sensitive Topics with Your Kids" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 6/21/21)
"Christian Kids Are Leaving the Faith. What Can We Do About it?" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 3/24/21, Editor's Pick)
"How Should Christians Talk to Their Kids about LGBTQ Issues?" (iBelieve, 10/22/20)
"Do Your Maydays Need a Mayday from Pandemic Pressure?" (Crosswalk, 5/8/20)
"How to Find Hope After a Miscarriage" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 2/26/20)
"Should God Have a Say in the Size of Your Family?" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 12/23/19)
"Learn More Scripture This Year with This #1 Proven Method" (Crosswalk, 12-26-23)
"3 Steps to Take When You Have Been Judged by Other Christians" (Crosswalk, 10/5/22)
"Is It Ever Right to Judge Others?" (Crosswalk, 9/26/22)
"Abuse in the SBC: Why It Happened and Where We Find Hope" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 8/15/22)
"The Prospective Shift That Will Revolutionize Your Prayer Life" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 9//28/21)
"Cancel Culture" (Arise Daily, 6/21/21)
"Why Does the Apostle Paul Tell Women to be Silent and Not To Teach?" (Crosswalk, 5/26/21)
"God is Good, But This Isn't" featured in Take Heart: 100 Devotions to Seeing God When Life's Not Okay (published by (in)courage, October 2020)
"How Do I Deal with the Terribly Disturbing Parts of Scripture" (Crosswalk, 8/13/20)
"Why We Should Reconsider what the Bible Really Says About Women in Ministry" (Crosswalk, 6/27/20, Editor's Pick)
"7 Ways to Bless Others in a Worldwide Crisis" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 4/23/2020, #2 Most Popular)
"5 Amazing Reasons Covid 19 Is the Church's Unprecedented Time to Shine" (Crosswalk, 3/31/20)
"Is God Still Speaking to Us in Dreams, Even Today?" (Crosswalk, 3/27/20)
"8 Ways God Wants to Bless Us All in the Coronavirus Crisis" (Crosswalk, 3/3/20, #3 Most Popular)
"What I Wish People with Mental Illness Knew" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 11/27/19)
"What I Wish People Knew About Mental Illness" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 11/27/19)
"Nine Time Love Overpowers Hate in the Bible" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 11/20/19, Editor's Pick)
"How to Remember God's Faithfulness When Reality Hurts" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 10/10/19)
"The Danger of Speaking Truth Without Love" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 9/17/19)
"God is Good, But This Isn't" (inCourage, 5/15/19, soon to be published in an inCourage devotional book)
"Learning About Grace From No Ordinary Joe" (inCourage, 10/27/18)
"9 Ways We Can Unite and Restore Our Broken Nation" (Crosswalk, 9/24/24)
"What Question Burns in the Heart of Your Gen Z Child?" (Crosswalk &, 9/25/23)
"What Is Culture Teaching Our Kids about Sexuality: 7 Ways To Respond" with Erin Barry (Crosswalk, 2/21/23)
"Understanding Biblical Sexuality and How to Talk to Your Kids about It" with Erin Barry (Crosswalk, 12/13/22)
"6 Guidelines for Challenging Our Culture" (Crosswalk, 5/5/22)
"What is the Biggest Threat to Our Faith and Our Culture Today?" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 2/1/22)
"Why Are So Many People Obsessed with Hallmark Films?" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 12/20/21)
"Cancel Culture" (Arise Daily, Crosswalk, 7/6/21)
"5 Reasons Why You Should Teach Your Kids Other Worldviews" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 4/26/21)
"Does Scripture Oppress or Liberate Women?" (2021 SELAH AWARD FINALIST, Bible Study Tools, Crosswalk, 11/4/20)
"Is Voting for Trump the Lesser of Two Evils?" (Christian Headlines, 10/23/20)
"Should Christians Be Concerned by the LGBTQ Direction in Hallmark Movies?" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 9/21/20, # 1 Most Popular)
"How Can Christians Help to Heal the Racial Divide?" (Christian Headlines, 9/9/20)
"Should Christians Be Concerned about Individual Liberty in Crisis?" (Crosswalk, 5/29/20)
"Is It Possible to Be a Christian and a Modern Feminist?" (Crosswalk, 2/11/20)
"As a Christian, How Involved Should I Be in Politics?" (Crosswalk, 2/5/20, Editor's Pick)
"6 Tips to Master Your Media Consumption This Year" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 1/16/20, Editor's Pick)
"As Christians, Should We Legislate Morality?" (Crosswalk, 1/6/20, Editor's Pick)
"Hallmark Christmas Films: Five Reasons To Be Careful" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 12/11/19, #1 Most Popular)
"The Ugly Truth the MacArthur/Moore Controversy Reveals" (Crosswalk, 10/30/19, #4 Most Popular)
"The Danger of Speaking Truth Without Love" (Crosswalk, iBelieve, 9/17/19)
Pass the Baton - You hold the key to unlocking who your kids are meant to be. (12/11/20)
Speak Life! - Four steps to change the atmosphere in your home. (8/2/20)
Sing to Me - What lives on after we're gone? (3/7/20)
Daddy's Girl - When was the last time you crawled into your daddy's lap? (2/8/20)
Job Performance - Do you feel valued in the work that you do? (1/25/20)
A Fresh Faith - A story about having the faith of a child. (1/4/20)
fly. - A tribute to all the mama birds out there and our little birdies who are about to fly. (5/11/19)
Made to Mother - A story about a race I never wanted to run, and a life I never wanted to live. (4/8/19)
Helena in Heaven - A story about a dream that died a long time ago, but it isn’t quite dead. (3/9/19)
Granny's Housecoat - A story about an ancient garment that never gets old. (1/12/19)
A Full Life - A message about the standard you use to measure the meaning in your life. (12/15/18)
Life Lessons from Little League - A story about how the little ones in our lives can teach us the biggest lessons. (11/17/18)
Simple Seasons - A story about how the simple seasons of life can be the greatest seasons of all. (11/10/18)
That Drama Girl - A story about how God loves to take those dreams that we thought were dead and buried and breathe life into them again. (10/24/18)
Ruth's Resume - Is your resume impressive? (6/14/21)
Normal - The quest that kills us. (2/19/21)
My Other Husband - Whose arms do you run to when life is too much to bear? (7/18/20)
Controlling Me - Do you struggle to control the one thing in life you can?
A Tale of a Lost Sheep and Some Wolves - Are you more concerned about being right than reaching those who aren't right with God? (2/22/20)
The Sound of Regret - A story about a sound that sticks in our ears. (1/11/20)
A Someday Christmas - How to find hope when the holidays hurt. (12/21/19)
Halo House - What keeps you going when the world around you grows dim? (12/5/19)
God is Good, But This Isn't - A story about God's goodness in the face of devastating loss. (6/8/19, also published on inCourage)
Silver Bells and Silver Linings - A story about how the season of silver bells offers us a silver lining.(12/23/18)
Learning about Grace from No Ordinary Joe - A story about the incredible lesson I learned from an ordinary guy with an extraordinary name. (12/2/18, also published on inCourage)
The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving - A message for those who ache from loss during the holidays. (11/21/18)
Treadmills, Tirades, and That Telltale Voice - A story about a guy who talked way too loud and a still, small voice that wouldn't be silent. (11/4/18)
Ears to Hear: Discovering God's Voice Amidst the Chaos in Our Nation (7/23/24)
Lessons about Race from a Child in a Basket - How can we heal the racial divide? (8/29/20, also published on Christian Headlines)
A Bridge Over Troubled Waters - How can the church heal the racial divide? (6/2020)
Do Your May Days Need a Mayday? This isn't the May we imagined, but it might be the May we need. (5/8/20)
Should Christians Be Concerned about the Super Bowl Halftime Show? - Family entertainment or stripper bowl? (2/10/20)
I Want To Live in a Hallmark Film - A story that takes place in a land far, far away, but hits very close to home. (11/26/19)