This is not a fun topic. A few weeks ago, my editor at iBelieve asked for a response to the news that the Department of Justice is investigating the Southern Baptist Convention for a 20-year patter of abuse within that denomination. Abuse in the church is hard to understand ourselves, much less to explain to our kids. But we need to have these conversations.
Since the launch of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD, I have focused on topics that can build our kids’ faith or tear it down. This is most certainly one of those dangerous topics that can tear down their faith as they get older, causing them to leave the church and Christianity altogether.
Why, WHY, WHY does this happen?
In episode 43 of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD, I look at an underlying root cause, and then I point us towards we want and need to offer to our kids—that is hope and healing.
To listen to this podcast on Life Audio, click on the image below:
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“Growing Home Together” Podcast with Rob and Joanna Teigen
“Abuse in the SBC: Why It Happened and Where We Find Hope,” by Catherine Segars, Crosswalk and iBelieve.
“The Ugly Truth the MacArthur/Moore Controversy Reveals,” by Catherine Segars, Crosswalk.
“Southern Baptist Convention Leaders Mishandled Sexual Abuse Allegations, Report Says,” CNN.
“Bible teacher Beth Moore, splitting with Lifeway, says, ‘I am no longer a Southern Baptist’,” RNS: Religion News Service.
“Ravi Zacharias Hid Hundreds of Pictures of Women, Abuse During Massages, and a Rape Allegation,” Christianity Today.
“Bombshell ‘Hillsong’ doc details sex scandals that battered celeb megachurch,” New York Post.
“Sexual Harassment Went Unchecked at Christianity Today,” Christianity Today.
“Misconduct allegations against Willow Creek founder Bill Hybels are credible, independent report finds,” The Washington Post.
“The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill” Podcast, Christianity Today.
“John MacArthur’s Church Supported Convicted Child Abuser & Pedophile, Records Show,” The Roys Report.
Lord Acton’s Quote.
“Are Parents Being Tagged As ‘Domestic Terrorists’ by the FBI? Justice Department Needs to Show Its Cards,” The Heritage Foundation.
Genesis 11:6
John 17:1-2
Psalm 82:3
Isaiah 1:17
Matthew 23:27-28
2 Corinthians 5:10
Catherine Segars is an award-winning actress and playwright — turned stay-at-home-mother—turned author, podcaster, speaker and blogger. She is dedicated to helping parents be a godly example for their kids in an ungodly world.
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