
Discovering the Assumptions That Control the Way You Think

We are all assuming something about the nature of reality. Every one of us. Our core assumptions exist because there isn’t definitive proof for any one belief system. In Episode 116 of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD, David Richardson and I take a deep dive into the core assumptions that shape our beliefs about reality. In his first book Transparent: How to […]

Is the Christian Worldview Actually Leading Kids away from the Faith?

Does the concept of worldview have a fatal flaw baked into the premise? Could the Christian worldview actually be leading kids away from the faith? David Richardson, author of Transparent: How to See Through the Powerful Assumptions That Control You, reveals the shocking origin of the term “worldview” in the episode 115 of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD and challenges the way it is used by […]

Exposing the Lost Landscape of Higher Education

Philosophy Professor Peter Boghossian notoriously claimed that “faith is a cognitive sickness that’s been turned into a moral virtue.” He went on to say that every class is an opportunity to help students lose their faith. When the instructors our kids sit under in higher education come in with an agenda like that, Gen Z’s sharp exodus from the faith […]

Conceived in Rape, Adopted in Love—Ryan Bomberger’s Unforgettable Story

 Ryan Bomberger has been told that he should have never been born, that he doesn’t deserve to live. Repeatedly. By people with lots of letters after their names.  Why? Because Ryan was conceived in rape. Less than 1% of pregnancies begin in the violent act of rape. Yet despite this extremely uncommon occurrence, the pro-choice narrative […]

Navigating Tough Conversations About Pronouns with Your Kids 

The use of preferred pronouns has become ubiquitous among Gen Zers and beyond in our culture. I was just at my daughter’s student orientation to a very WOKE university, and every single student leader introduced themselves by using their name, their major, and their preferred pronouns. More on that in a future episode of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD…  But I’m sure you […]

Ears to Hear: Discovering God’s Voice Amidst the Chaos in Our Nation

There is a truth to glean from a Pennsylvania field that can save the world. And we will miss it… if we don’t turn our eyes to see and our ears to hear. A lot of us are taking stock of where our country is right now. Our heads are spinning as we have watched […]

Interpreting the Divine Message in Trump’s Near-Death Experience

There is a truth to glean from a Pennsylvania field that can save the world. And we will miss it… if we don’t turn our eyes to see and our ears to hear. A lot of us are taking stock of where our country is right now. Our heads are spinning as we have watched these recent heartbreaking events unfold. […]

How Do We Heal Our Nation? 9 Ways to Unite and Restore

 A week ago, I heard multiple political commentators predict that an assignation attempt was imminent with the man poised to receive the Republican nomination for President of the United States. Indeed, for many months, our country has felt like a powder keg ready to ignite. That keg exploded last Saturday. We all watched in horror as a political rally ended with a […]

Finding Wholesome Entertainment with Biblical Values

Trying to find wholesome entertainment can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. As Christians, the most we usually hope for is entertainment that doesn’t undermine what we believe. But finding entertainment that actually reinforces Biblical values while wrestling through tough issues, does that even exist? It does. In the latest episode of  CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD, I am […]

How To Keep Your Kids Safe Online

As parents, we spend a lot of time and energy ensuring that our kids are safe in their physical spaces. We put up safeguards around our homes. We go to great lengths to live in safe neighborhoods and send our kids to safe schools. But what about our kids’ digital spaces?  The threats for our children are as significant in cyberspace as they are in their physical space.  Kristen Jenson, founder of Defend Young […]