Have you ever gotten to one of those difficult sections in the Bible with your kids and thought “What in the world?” I sure have. Seriously, some parts of the Bible are tough! How do we address these sections of Scripture with our kids?
Well, I answer that question in the episode 32 of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD, which is part of my new series on dealing with the difficult parts of Scripture. In this episode, I apply the practical guidelines I gave in episode 31 (“Why Does the Bible Say… Fill in the Blank?) to a difficult story from the Bible that led a young college age Christian to abandon his faith.
Here are those GUIDELINES for dealing with the difficult parts of Scripture:
1. Take away the ambush.
2. Don’t ignore the question.
3. Don’t downplay the question.
4. Pray about it.
5. Get to work. (Research)
6. Stand on what you know.
7. Wrestle out loud.
Moms and Dads… our kids are getting blindsided by parts of the Bible that they haven’t heard or haven’t properly considered, and this is causing many young believers to leave the faith.
Even if your kids are still in elementary school, it’s not too early to start. We need to help our kids find reasonable, rational answers for why the Bible is true. As you walk with me through this difficult part of Scripture, you will learn how to provide those answers yourself.
Please join me for this must-listen podcast that will help prepare your kids to stand strong in the faith.
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Episode 31: Why does the Bible Say… Fill in the Blank?
A New Kind of Apologist by Sean McDowell, Chapter 6: “Don’t Blame Us, It’s in the Bible” by Dan Kimball
The Exodus & the ten plagues: Exodus 1-12
Herod’s massacre of the innocent: Matthew 2:1-18
Catherine Segars is an award-winning actress and playwright — turned stay-at-home-mother—turned author, podcaster, speaker and blogger. She is dedicated to helping parents be a godly example for their kids in an ungodly world.
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