Are you wondering how you can eat better, sleep better, produce better, work better, save better, serve better, and exercise better? Well, these are great questions to ask at the beginning of a new year.
But let me ask you this: How can you strengthen your relationship with your kids this year?
That question should top the list.
Here’s why, moms and dads: You can’t truly speak into your child’s life—spiritually, emotionally, or otherwise—if the foundation of your relationship isn’t strong.
I had this realization just the other day when I took my middle daughter out for coffee. There I was, Bible and Bible study in tow, ready to deliver some life-changing spiritual wisdom. In my mind, I envisioned her recalling this moment years from now saying, “I’ll never forget the incredible advice my mom gave me when I was about to turn 15…”
But as I drove to our favorite little coffee nook, I prayed. And I asked God to guide our conversation.
And you know what happened?
We didn’t talk much… at all.
Instead, we spent hours working on a 1,000-piece puzzle of the Grand Tetons while sipping our coffee/tea concoctions and listening to nostalgic 1940s big band music. It was the best time. Seriously. And I realized my daughter didn’t need a life lesson that day. She just needed me. And I needed her.
Sometimes, connection speaks louder than words.
That’s why this week, I’m re-airing a New Year’s episode of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD from 2023 where I share 12 simple, practical ways to improve your relationship with your kids this year. I listened to it again recently, and I found myself nodding along, thinking, “I need to do this.”
And here’s the crazy part—I CREATED THE LIST. Lol.
It’s a good reminder that we all need to revisit how to do this parenting thing better from time to time. Even our own ideas can feel fresh when life gets busy. And let’s be honest—we can always use a little inspiration from others along the way, too.
So if you’d like some easy, effective, very common and ordinary but oh-so-helpful and, if you actually take the time to do them, life-altering ways to improve your relationship with kiddos this year, this episode is for you. Here’s a quick recap:
Like I said, these aren’t groundbreaking ideas. I’m sure you’ve had some of these ideas before. Like with our walk with God—where it’s the simple, daily disciplines that grow our faith—these ideas are basic but powerful. Because, as we talked about in the last episode, the basics are where real growth happen.
The truth is, life gets busy. We forget. Other things seem urgent. But outside of God and your spouse, nothing is more important than investing in your relationship with your kids.
Bonus Tip: Pick one of these ideas each month and focus on doing it well. Put them on your calendar. See what sticks and make it your own.
My prayer for you in 2025 is this: May your relationship with God flourish like never before, and may your connection with your kids deepen in ways that leave a lasting impact.
To hear this practical and inspiring episode of CP/CW on Life Audio, click on the image below:
Or you can listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, or wherever you get your podcasts. And please consider giving CP/CW a 5-star rating on Apple Podcast or Spotify. That would make my day!
Find the Scripture list to pray over children HERE.
Episode 22: 13 Ways To Be a Better Parent in 2022
Episode 13: 4 Types of Prayer Every Believer Should Know
Episode 14: How To Battle for Your Kids in Prayer
Episode 15: What Should I Expect When I Battle in Prayer
Episode 37: 7 Ways To Bless Your Kids with Words
Episode 49: How Do We Combat the Epidemic of Teen Suicide?
Episode 50: What Can We Learn from a Survivor of Teen Suicide?
Apples to Apples, Settlers of Catan, Rummikub, Lost Cities
Catherine Segars is an award-winning actress and playwright — turned stay-at-home-mother—turned author, podcaster, speaker and blogger. She is dedicated to helping parents be a godly example for their kids in an ungodly world.
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