This week, I want to talk about something that’s been on my heart for a very long time—how God uses mothers to accomplish His purposes in ways that are often unexpected, yet always extraordinary. Whether you’re in the middle of raising little ones, launching older kids into the world, or supporting your family in other ways, I want you to know this Mama… your role matters.
In the latest episode of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD, I had the privilege of sitting down with Dr. Sandra Richter to explore the stories of two remarkable women from Scripture—Deborah and Jael. Their lives have so much to say about what it means to step into God-given roles, no matter where life has you.
Deborah was a judge, prophet, and military leader in ancient Israel. Don’t let that fact escape you—she filled those roles in ANCIENT Israel. I’m sure you know this, but the ancient world wasn’t exactly gung-ho about having women in leadership positions.But here’s something we seldom talk about when it comes to this ancient Hebrew leader—she was also a mother. In a society that (almost) never recognized women as leaders, Deborah didn’t let cultural norms define her calling, and more importantly… neither did God. Deborah rose to the occasion, not by chasing power but by embracing her role as a “mother in Israel.” (Judges 5:7) She led her people to victory because she listened to God’s voice and courageously stepped into her purpose.
And then there’s Jael. She wasn’t a judge or a prophet. She wasn’t leading armies or holding court under a palm tree like Deborah. She was a stay-at-home mom living in her tent, managing her household. And yet, when the opportunity arose, Jael’s faith and boldness saved her nation. Armed with nothing but a tent peg and a hammer—everyday tools in her life—she struck a decisive blow against Sisera, the enemy commander.
These two women, one a national leader and the other a homemaker, couldn’t have been more different in their circumstances. But both were mothers, and both were pivotal in God’s plan for Israel’s deliverance. Their stories remind us that God uses us right where we are, whether we’re leading on a big stage or faithfully serving in the day-to-day grind.
I know that parenting can feel overwhelming at times. The endless tasks, the moments of self-doubt, the comparison traps—it’s easy to feel like what we’re doing isn’t enough. But Deborah and Jael show us that God works through mothers in powerful ways, both big and small.
Moms, you’re already in the center of a mission field. Your home is where God is shaping the next generation, and He’s using you to lead and nurture. Whether your calling involves serving your family, your church, or your community, trust that your faithfulness in the little things can lead to big, Kingdom-sized results.
God sees you. He values your work. And like Deborah and Jael, He has equipped you with everything you need to fulfill your role in His plan. You don’t need to compare your life to anyone else’s or wait for some grand opportunity to make a difference—God is already working through you right where you are.
So Sandy, whose research and passion for Scripture bring these Hebrew women to life in such a profound way, unpacks this ancient history with so many modern day applications. You will understand Deborah and the book of Judges like never before. Here’s what we covered in this episode:
This episode is packed with encouragement and wisdom, and I think it’s one you’ll want to listen to more than once.
Join Sandy and me as we explore the fascinating lives of these ancient mamas to glean wisdom and encouragement for our lives today! Click below to hear this conversation on Life Audio:
Or you can listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, or wherever you get your podcasts. And please consider giving CP/CW a 5-star rating on Apple Podcast or Spotify. That would make my day!
If you’ve ever doubted your role in God’s plan, this episode is for you. Share it with fellow moms or parents who could use a reminder of how God is working through them.
Modern Application:
Parents, take heart! These narratives inspire us to lead with courage in our homes and communities, trusting that God can use our actions—big or small—for His redemptive work.
About the guest: Dr. Sandra Richter holds a PhD in Old Testament Studies from Harvard University and Master of Arts in Theology from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. She is currently the Gundry Chair of Biblical Studies at Westmont College. Dr. Richter has authored several works available on Amazon, including a Bible study on Deborah. Her extensive research seeks to illuminate the scriptures for contemporary audiences.
Connect with Dr. Richter: Amazon Author Page, Facebook Page, Westmont College Page
Resources Referenced:
The Epic of Eden (series) – Deborah: Unlikely Heroes and the Book of Judges
Other Episodes in this Series:
Ep. 133 “Is the Bible’s View of Women Outdated or Revolutionary?“
Ep. 134 “Is Our Theology about Women Aligned with Scripture“
Articles by Catherine:
“Why We Should Reconsider What the Bible Really Says about Women in Ministry”
“Does Scripture Oppress or Liberate Women”
“Why Does Paul Tell Women to Be Silent in Church and Not to Teach?”
Catherine Segars is an award-winning actress and playwright — turned stay-at-home-mother—turned author, podcaster, speaker and blogger. She is dedicated to helping parents be a godly example for their kids in an ungodly world.
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