For too long, the stories of women in history—and even in theology—have been marginalized. But the Bible offers a counter-narrative, one where women are celebrated as leaders, judges, prophets, teachers, and partners in God’s redemptive work. In the latest episode of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD, I sit down with the esteemed Dr. Sandra Richterto explore the profound contributions of biblical women and why these stories matter not only to our theology, but also to how we raise the next generation.
With thousands of years and thousands of miles between the intended audience of our Holy Book and our western eyes, a profound culture gap can cause misinterpretations to abound. Dr. Richter’s insights encourage us to engage with the full context of Scripture in order to understand the intended meaning.
Understanding the roles of women in the Bible isn’t just about reclaiming forgotten stories; it’s about discovering God’s intention for humanity. Scripture reveals a consistent message: men and women were created as partners, equal in value and joined in purpose. Dr. Richter helps unpack passages that have been misunderstood or misinterpreted, providing a refreshing perspective that honors both men and women in their God-given roles and gifts.
This conversation invites us to reflect on how our theology, which shapes our views on gender, leadership, and relationships within the body of Christ, actually aligns with Scripture.
As parents, our understanding of the Bible inevitably shapes how we teach our children—especially about identity, purpose, and relationships.
When we illuminate the stories of women in the Bible, we offer our daughters and sons role models who demonstrate courage, wisdom, and faith. We teach our daughters that their voices matter and that they are called to serve the body of Christ as the Holy Spirit anoints, not as man dictates. We show our sons that true leadership is rooted in partnership, humility, and respect for the gifts of others.
Understanding God’s intention for women not only strengthens our families, it equips the next generation to build communities that reflect the heart of God.
This conversation is rich with insights that will challenge and encourage you—and I promise it will spark meaningful discussions in your family and community.
🎙️ Don’t Miss This Episode
Join Sandy and me as we unpack thousands of years of history to reveal the Bible’s empowering message about women! Click below to hear this fascinating conversation on Life Audio:
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Stay Tuned! In next week’s riveting conclusion to our series on women in Scripture, we’ll take a deep dive into the story of Deborah, a biblical figure whose courage, leadership, and MOTHERHOOD are an inspiration for families today!
Don’t Miss Next Week’s Episode! Catherine and Dr. Sandra Richter will dive deeper into the story of Deborah—perfect for modern families and women looking for inspiration.
About the guest: Dr. Sandra Richter holds a PhD in Old Testament Studies from Harvard University and Master of Arts in Theology from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. She is currently the Gundry Chair of Biblical Studies at Westmont College. Dr. Richter has authored several works available on Amazon, including a Bible study on Deborah. Her extensive research seeks to illuminate the scriptures for contemporary audiences.
Connect with Dr. Richter: Amazon Author Page, Facebook Page, Westmont College Page
Resources Referenced:
The Epic of Eden (series) – Deborah: Unlikely Heroes and the Book of Judges
Why Not Women: A Biblical Study of Women in Missions, Ministry, and Leadership by Loren Cunningham & David J. Hamilton
What Did Paul Really Say about Women by John T. Bristow
Other Episodes in this Series:
Ep. 133 “Is the Bible’s View of Women Outdated or Revolutionary?“
Ep. 135 “Mothers Who Saved a Nation: What Deborah and Jael Teach Women Today“
Articles by Catherine:
“Why We Should Reconsider What the Bible Really Says about Women in Ministry”
“Does Scripture Oppress or Liberate Women”
“Why Does Paul Tell Women to Be Silent in Church and Not to Teach?”
Catherine Segars is an award-winning actress and playwright — turned stay-at-home-mother—turned author, podcaster, speaker and blogger. She is dedicated to helping parents be a godly example for their kids in an ungodly world.
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