Have you noticed that just mentioning God’s plan for our sexuality has become hate speech these days? How did that happen? Erin Barry of The Home Educated Mind joins me to answer that question in episode 48 of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD. As we conclude this vitally important series on sexuality, Erin and I dig into the overarching narratives that are competing with the […]
Biblical sexuality and cultural sexuality are diametrically opposed to one another. Our kids are neck deep in a culture that says everything the Bible teaches on sexuality is not only wrong but oppressive, divisive, and hateful. As parents, we need to know what our culture is saying about sexuality. We must know where these ideas […]
Some topics that I cover on CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD are relevant to lot of parents and a lot of kids, but the topic of sexuality is relevant to ALL parents and ALL kids. We cannot escape this issue in our families and our friend circles. So who defines our sexuality? Our celebrities, our politicians, our […]
Your kids cannot go into a public restroom these days, turn on the television, go to school, or play high school or collegiate sports without being confronted with the question of sexuality. Who defines it? Our politicians, our celebrities, our educators, our feelings… or God? This is the most relevant cultural issue of our day. […]
Sometimes we can feel like the walking wounded in the church. Some people will jump from church to church trying to forget their wounds. Others will leave the church altogether. The injuries we incur in these close quarters can follow us around for a lifetime if we let them. In episode 44 of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY […]
Being under the scrutiny of a fellow believer is a painful place to be. It has happened to all of us. And not to be the bearer of bad news… but it’s probably going to happen again. While another Christian’s judgment can be humbling, uncomfortable, and at times downright painful, it can provide a valuable […]
This is not a fun topic. A few weeks ago, my editor at iBelieve asked for a response to the news that the Department of Justice is investigating the Southern Baptist Convention for a 20-year patter of abuse within that denomination. Abuse in the church is hard to understand ourselves, much less to explain to […]
One of the most quoted verses from the Bible in Christian and non-Christian circles alike is “Judge not lest ye be judged” (Matthew 7:1). Often, this verse is used to promote tolerance of something unbiblical by suggesting that it is always wrong to judge. Other times it is quoted to refute someone wielding a legalistic […]
Being under the scrutiny of a fellow believer is such a painful place to be. And when someone judges our kids, we often feel it more than they do. If we don’t deal with the judgements of others properly, the wounds can lead us and our kids away from the body of Christ and from […]
As parents, we have to judge the actions of our kids. And we live in families, neighborhoods, communities, and churches where we hold each other accountable. So sometimes that requires us to assess the actions of other people. (Especially the little people who live with us.) We have to consider the fruit in people’s lives, […]