The more your kids understand their God-given purpose in life, the more likely they are to stay grounded in their faith into adulthood. So I’ve tackled this vital topic in Episode 16 of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD. As parents, we have this incredibly unique position in our kids’ lives. We are literally front row center for […]
When you step out with God in prayer, you need to expect opposition from the enemy. That’s because prayer changes history. Your history. Your child’s history. Human history. In the latest episode of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD, I wrap up our 3-part series on prayer by discussing what to expect when you battle in prayer, how […]
At some point in your parenting, you will have to go to battle for your kids in prayer. Whether they have walked away from the faith, or they are toying around with secular ideologies, or they are battling illness or addiction, or they have fallen in with the wrong crowd, or they are struggling with depression… you will need to fight for your kids. And as […]
Do you want to see your prayers answered? Whether you are praying for your child to return to the Lord, or for your child to be healed, or for a new job or a new house or a better relationship with your kids or a better marriage… I think that I know the answer to […]
Since episode 1 of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD, we’ve discussed how to solidify our kid’s faith to prevent them from being part of the massive youth exodus. Statistics show that a majority of Christian kids leave the faith when they leave the nest. But actually 90% of kids who leave the faith start that progression in the middle and high school years. About 40% […]
This article is the last in a three part series on women in ministry published by Crosswalk and Bible Study Tools. The first article discussed the critical roles that women played in Scripture. The second chronicled the difficult plight of women historically and how Scripture liberates women. (That article was a 2021 Selah Award finalist, […]
Our social and political landscape is incredibly contentious. We need some guidelines to help us and our kids navigate these treacherous waters. In this episode of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD, I discuss how to talk about sensitive topics with your kids, telling them the truth – which can be offensive – but with love. How do […]
At some point, we have all heard the admonition to “speak the truth in love.” But how exactly do we do that? And why? Where in Scripture are we instructed to “speak the truth in love?” So often we get this wrong in social media, in our churches, and in our families. And the damage […]
I’m reading through the Old Testament rather slowly. I like to take the scenic route. The One Year Bible is great, but I like to savor the words and read all the study notes. I’ve made my way to the book of Ruth. These ancient women lived a very different life than we do today. […]
Have you watched the news lately? We live in a seriously messed up world. Downing a half hour of current events is sure to make your blood pressure sky-rocket. Does the Christian faith offer us some answers, some solutions? Yes. It does. And my latest podcast tells you how. It answers the question we all want to know, the […]