About twenty years ago, I began a relationship with another man. And I must confess, it has become rather intimate. Now that I have your full attention… let me say that there’s nothing sordid about it. My first husband, Bryan, knows all about him. He tried to get rid of this other guy about a […]
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. Sincerely. He is usually the first to apologize. And this time, I was more to blame. I blew up over the most trivial thing. I’m mortified to put it in writing… I couldn’t find my small container of coconut oil that I use to remove eye makeup. I know, it was […]
Years ago, I did a short stint as a secretary for a stately old church near downtown Norfolk, Virginia. It was a quite a building. The mahogany wood work in the chapel and vivid stained-glass windows depicting Biblical tales inspired awe. Crimson velvet pews flanked a traditional center aisle. The lofty ceiling produced magnificent sounds—an […]
“Give me liberty or give me death,” was the infamous cry of Patrick Henry just prior to the Revolutionary War. Something deep inside the human heart seeks freedom. Freedom from tyrannical oppression. Freedom from control. Freedom from conscience. Freedom from consequence. Freedom from pain, guilt, and sin. Freedom…from God. As with most human desires, the quest […]
“I’m livin’ for May! I’m livin’ for May!” I said, more times than I could count. Back in January and February, this mantra played like a broken record in my mind. I would mouth the words to a fellow mom across the pews in our homeschool co-op, deep into an afternoon grammar class as my […]
A crisis can bring out the best in people, or it can bring out the worst. We’ve all seen examples of the worst. A friend of mine, Steve, was in an international airport trying to get home on the very day the borders were closed in Europe from COVID-19. He saw a lot of the […]
Shakespeare told us to beware the ides of March. The Bard was no prophet, but this March brought us an international pandemic accompanied by an economic tsunami like none we’ve ever seen. In an effort to save those valuable, vulnerable souls who are at risk and to preserve our health care system, we’ve initiated a […]
I was issued a set of army fatigues to fit my burgeoning belly. At seven months pregnant, I was being transferred to a battle station. All the soldiers on the transports were lying flat on their backs. How curious. When I woke, my spirit was on alert. I asked my women’s Bible study for extra […]
Do you ever wonder why Scripture tells us to count it all joy when we face various trials and tribulations in life? (James 1:2-4) Joy is an odd response to hardship and suffering. And yet our faith promises us that God is committed to doing good when the enemy intends harm. (Genesis 50:20) God is […]
Three years ago, a miracle was born. I prayed that she would sing. Before she was born, before she was even conceived—I prayed that God would give her the gift of melody. I’d had a dream of a young girl with a powerful voice. When she sang, men cried and women would fall to their […]