
Mothering can make you feel culturally irrelevant, like you’re on the margins of society looking for a way back to civilization. Your daily list of chores aren’t resume worthy, and your professional skill set is growing obsolete. That modern woman is empowered, independent, and equal in society.

The Mere Mother, not so much.

You may not feel equal in the “real” world, but you are here! Grab a cup of coffee and pull up a chair as we talk about how you can thrive as a mom in this woman-empowered culture.


Mothering can make you feel culturally irrelevant, like you’re on the margins of society looking for a way back to civilization. Your daily list of chores aren’t resume worthy, and your professional skill set is growing obsolete. That modern woman is empowered, independent, and equal in society.

The Mere Mother, not so much.

You may not feel equal in the “real” world, but you are here! Grab a cup of coffee and pull up a chair as we talk about how you can thrive as a mom in this woman-empowered culture.

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How To Find Hope After a Miscarriage

This article was originally published on Crosswalk and iBelieve. These are the steps God led me through to find redemption after a miscarriage, but they can be applied to any devastating loss. I pray that these steps bring hope and life to you, too. I had no reason to hope. I had several very large fibroid […]

Is It Possible To Be a Christian and a Modern Feminist?

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A Tale of a Lost Sheep and Some Wolves

Scripture tells us an odd story of a loving shepherd who had a hundred sheep, but one went missing. And this shepherd does something crazy. He leaves the 99 and goes in search of the one. It seems reckless, doesn’t it? Reckless and unwise. Why isn’t he satisfied with the 99 he has? Why aren’t […]

As a Christian, How Involved Should I Be in Politics?

There were eight of us gathered around the table for a catered dinner at the house of my husband’s boss. The small talk was pleasant and expected. Nothing riveting or even interesting, really.  Then out of nowhere, someone mentioned the wall. Not the dining room wall or the wall in the hallway—the wall along the […]

6 Tips To Master Your Media Consumption This Year

There were three channels, four if you counted public television. And at some point during the night, the screen resembled snow. We couldn’t watch a movie that wasn’t in a theater. We couldn’t listen to our favorite song if we didn’t own it on vinyl or cassette. There were no tablets, at least not the […]

Should Christians Be Concerned about the Super Bowl Halftime Show?

It’s been more than a decade since the infamous “wardrobe malfunction” with Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake, which caused a huge uproar in 2004. But Super Bowl LIV’s halftime show, featuring performances by Shakira and Jennifer Lopez, lit up Facebook and Twitter feeds like the Fourth of July. Backlash swelled across cyber space like a […]

Daddy’s Girl

My two-year-old toddler has an obsessive attachment to her dad these days. When he’s walking, she’s by his side. When he’s sitting, she’s crawling all over him. When he leaves the room for just a second, a pathetic cry can be heard throughout the house . . . “Daddy! Where’s . . . daddy? Where’s […]

Job Performance

Hit the play bar above to hear this blogcast. What this mother learned about work from a famous father and a legendary Son. He was a very famous father, only he wasn’t known for being a dad. He changed the world with his inventions, his ingenuity, his ambition, and his genius. Tragically, his life was […]

The Sound of Regret

There is a sound in ice hockey that makes the die-hard fan wince in pain, wishing that the gods of sport had shown an extra inch of favor. It is the telltale ping of a puck hitting the post of the goal. Often times, the precision shot flies so fast that you can’t see it, […]

Should God Have a Say in the Size of Your Family?

“We haven’t decided if we want to have more kids,” she said. It wasn’t an odd statement. Not at all. It was the kind of statement I had made for the first twenty years of our marriage. Actually, that’s not true. For the first ten years of our marriage, I said:  “I don’t want to have […]