
Mothering can make you feel culturally irrelevant, like you’re on the margins of society looking for a way back to civilization. Your daily list of chores aren’t resume worthy, and your professional skill set is growing obsolete. That modern woman is empowered, independent, and equal in society.

The Mere Mother, not so much.

You may not feel equal in the “real” world, but you are here! Grab a cup of coffee and pull up a chair as we talk about how you can thrive as a mom in this woman-empowered culture.


Mothering can make you feel culturally irrelevant, like you’re on the margins of society looking for a way back to civilization. Your daily list of chores aren’t resume worthy, and your professional skill set is growing obsolete. That modern woman is empowered, independent, and equal in society.

The Mere Mother, not so much.

You may not feel equal in the “real” world, but you are here! Grab a cup of coffee and pull up a chair as we talk about how you can thrive as a mom in this woman-empowered culture.

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A Fresh Faith

My son got saved at church last Sunday. After a passionate sermon and a moving invitation, I peeked over just in time to see his hand shoot up. I didn’t write down the date, though. He got saved the week before that, and the week before that, and a few weeks before that. We’ve gotten […]

A Someday Christmas

I was watching an episode of Victoria on Masterpiece Theatre earlier this year and one scene really got under my skin. The young and vibrant queen was trying to persuade an old colonel to serve on one more mission, one more assignment for the crown. He was honored, but he refused and hobbled out of […]

What I Wish People With Mental Illness Knew

She understood me. She was the first person who did. The ruminating thoughts, the downward spiral, the world of horrors that was always a mutant breath away—she understood it all.

What I Wish People Knew About Mental Illness

Twenty years ago, I had a conversation with a sweet, well-meaning relative who explained to me that people who took medication for mental illness didn’t have enough faith.

9 Times Love Overpowers Hate in the Bible

Photo by Tyler Nix

Hate crimes dominate the headlines. Our culture is afflicted with “isms” rooted in hate.

Halo House

We pulled into the driveway, covering the last few feet uphill on our 2300-mile trek to Texas and back. Our vacation to see family was a fun-filled food-a-rama, but we are spent like a well-worn wallet—which was certainly worn well on this trip. All we wanted was a home-cooked meal and a familiar bed after […]

I Want To Live in a Hallmark Film

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The Danger of Speaking the Truth Without Love

We were pulling into the parking lot of my church when the DJ mentioned a controversy surrounding a burgeoning Christian recording artist. Apparently, she had appeared on a popular daytime talk show and there was an uproar about it. I was waiting to hear what had happened on the show that caused such a stink. […]

How To Remember God’s Faithfulness When Reality Hurts

And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.(Philippians 4:19 NAS) Do you ever get the feeling that your idea of what you need is different than God’s idea? Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken. (Psalm […]

The Ugly Truth the MacArthur/Moore Controversy Reveals

A divisive topic in Christian ministry has come to the forefront recently. Facebook and Twitter feeds are lit up with the controversy over Evangelical Minister John MacArthur’s comments that Beth Moore should stop preaching and “go home.” He sat on a panel of all-male ministers who openly mocked Moore—saying that she is narcissistic, and that she is […]