
Mothering can make you feel culturally irrelevant, like you’re on the margins of society looking for a way back to civilization. Your daily list of chores aren’t resume worthy, and your professional skill set is growing obsolete. That modern woman is empowered, independent, and equal in society.

The Mere Mother, not so much.

You may not feel equal in the “real” world, but you are here! Grab a cup of coffee and pull up a chair as we talk about how you can thrive as a mom in this woman-empowered culture.


Mothering can make you feel culturally irrelevant, like you’re on the margins of society looking for a way back to civilization. Your daily list of chores aren’t resume worthy, and your professional skill set is growing obsolete. That modern woman is empowered, independent, and equal in society.

The Mere Mother, not so much.

You may not feel equal in the “real” world, but you are here! Grab a cup of coffee and pull up a chair as we talk about how you can thrive as a mom in this woman-empowered culture.

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To hear how this message applies to our parenting and our purpose, listen to Episode 121 of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD. There’s a place I’ve always wanted to live but have only seen from afar. Other people live there. I think. At least it looks like they do. A few times I visited this place in […]

How the Prosperity Gospel Fueled Purity Culture and Undermined Our Parenting

How has the Prosperity Gospel influenced Purity Culture, and what does that mean for parenting today?  The connections might surprise you. They surprised me.  Purity Culture, much like the prosperity gospel, promises rewards for adhering to specific behaviors, but it often leads to disappointment and shame. And all too often in the church, parents apply this same […]

Finding Freedom from Sexual Sin and Brokenness

There’s a topic that no one wants to talk about in the church… because so many people are struggling with it—even pastors. That topic is… SEXUAL SIN. AND THE BROKENNESS IT LEAVES BEHIND. The statistics don’t lie. The stats on porn, in particular, reveal a startling reality: Despite the prevalence of church teachings on purity and righteousness, […]

Discovering Your Family’s Unique Identity, Purpose, and Core Values

Do you know what your family’s unique purpose or identity is? Can you and your kids name your family’s core values? If you feel like a deer in headlights when asked those questions, you aren’t alone. I am right there with you. Families are at the heart of God’s plan for the world, serving as unique units designed to fulfill His […]

An Open Letter to My Child’s Woke University

Many of us parents face the dilemma of sending our kids to a secular college or university that is antagonistic to our faith, antagonistic to much of what we have spent the better part of two decades teaching our kids. It is a troubling place to be. Yet, here we are. So… there I was at my daughter’s college orientation to our local state-funded university last month, and I can’t say that what happened was unexpected, […]

Discovering the Assumptions That Control the Way You Think

We are all assuming something about the nature of reality. Every one of us. Our core assumptions exist because there isn’t definitive proof for any one belief system. In Episode 116 of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD, David Richardson and I take a deep dive into the core assumptions that shape our beliefs about reality. In his first book Transparent: How to […]

Is the Christian Worldview Actually Leading Kids away from the Faith?

Does the concept of worldview have a fatal flaw baked into the premise? Could the Christian worldview actually be leading kids away from the faith? David Richardson, author of Transparent: How to See Through the Powerful Assumptions That Control You, reveals the shocking origin of the term “worldview” in the episode 115 of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD and challenges the way it is used by […]

Exposing the Lost Landscape of Higher Education

Philosophy Professor Peter Boghossian notoriously claimed that “faith is a cognitive sickness that’s been turned into a moral virtue.” He went on to say that every class is an opportunity to help students lose their faith. When the instructors our kids sit under in higher education come in with an agenda like that, Gen Z’s sharp exodus from the faith […]

Conceived in Rape, Adopted in Love—Ryan Bomberger’s Unforgettable Story

 Ryan Bomberger has been told that he should have never been born, that he doesn’t deserve to live. Repeatedly. By people with lots of letters after their names.  Why? Because Ryan was conceived in rape. Less than 1% of pregnancies begin in the violent act of rape. Yet despite this extremely uncommon occurrence, the pro-choice narrative […]

Navigating Tough Conversations About Pronouns with Your Kids 

The use of preferred pronouns has become ubiquitous among Gen Zers and beyond in our culture. I was just at my daughter’s student orientation to a very WOKE university, and every single student leader introduced themselves by using their name, their major, and their preferred pronouns. More on that in a future episode of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD…  But I’m sure you […]