King David said, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” (Psalm 119:11) As Believers, we know that we are supposed to hide God’s Word in our hearts, but most of have a really heard time retaining Scripture. We know that a verse is somewhere in a certain book of the Bible… probably. And we know what it says… sort of—but we […]
Keeping Christ at the center of Christmas is a HUGE challenge for busy parents. Can I get an AMEN? Or a Merry CHRISTmas. We are constantly pushed and pulled a hundred different directions, especially at the holidays. Our event calendar in December can look like a flow-chart from an international airport with constant departures and arrivals. And it is so […]
Last Christmas, I was perusing a list of “The 100 Best Christmas Movies of All Time” on Rotten Tomatoes, the universal hub for movie reviews, and received quite a shock. The first few offerings were expected Christmas classics. Earning top billing was Meet Me in St Louis followed by The Shop Around the Corner and Miracle on 34th Street. (The list has since […]
Hey Mamas & Papas, “He sees you when you’re sleeping.He knows when you’re awake.He knows when you’ve been bad or good So be good for goodness sake.” Our culture tells us that Jolly ole St. Nicholas is keeping a list, and he’s checking it twice. He’s gonna find out who’s naughty or nice. So the gifts under […]
There is a powerful and pervasive cultural myth being piped into our kids these days, and you are a bad parent if you don’t buy into it. The myth says that our kids can be whoever they want to be in life. Is this idea BIBLICAL? Is it TRUE or even REALISTIC? The idea that you can be whoever you want to be is the central theme in countless books, movies, and television shows. Check out this back cover […]
Keeping Christ at the center of the Christmas season is always a challenge, especially for us crazy busy parents. The hectic pace of life intensifies during December, and often our focus shifts to the never-ending list of responsibilities and chores to complete before the big day. What’s a busy mom or dad to do? Well, strategically celebrating Advent is […]
Biblically parenting a child who struggles in their sexuality requires resting on a bedrock foundation of truth while always operating in a spirit of love, humility, and surrender to Christ. We must never deny God’s truth, but a child struggling in this area must first be completely secure in their parents’ unconditional love. Focusing on the relationship is paramount. That relationship is secured by practicing unconditional love, the same love that God gives to us. What can parents do to build a strong […]
A Christian can struggle with any number of attractions or temptations, including same sex desire and gender confusion. But… In other words… And if we do, what are the ramifications of this conclusion theologically and practically? Christopher Yuan, author of Holy Sexuality and the Gospel, lived for many years as a gay man. He addresses the issue […]
Statistics show that one in five Gen Z children are identifying somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum. One in five. We must realize as parents that all of our children are dealing with this issue, because even if our kids aren’t personally struggling in their sexuality, their friends are. This issue affects every parent and every child. The church needs to have a […]
There’s a question that many Christian parents never ask God. My husband and I didn’t ask God this question for the first two decades of our marriage, despite attending church weekly, tithing, going so small groups, and having daily devotionals. Honestly, I didn’t want to know the answer. I wanted to answer this question myself. That question is: WHAT DOES GOD WANT MY FAMILY TO LOOK LIKE? I know this […]