
Mothering can make you feel culturally irrelevant, like you’re on the margins of society looking for a way back to civilization. Your daily list of chores aren’t resume worthy, and your professional skill set is growing obsolete. That modern woman is empowered, independent, and equal in society.

The Mere Mother, not so much.

You may not feel equal in the “real” world, but you are here! Grab a cup of coffee and pull up a chair as we talk about how you can thrive as a mom in this woman-empowered culture.


Mothering can make you feel culturally irrelevant, like you’re on the margins of society looking for a way back to civilization. Your daily list of chores aren’t resume worthy, and your professional skill set is growing obsolete. That modern woman is empowered, independent, and equal in society.

The Mere Mother, not so much.

You may not feel equal in the “real” world, but you are here! Grab a cup of coffee and pull up a chair as we talk about how you can thrive as a mom in this woman-empowered culture.

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7 Steps To Reset When You Blow It with Your Kids

Let’s be honest… sometimes we blow it as parents. It’s not really a matter of if. It’s a matter of when. At some point, we are going to lose our temper and fly off the handle. And it is vital that we know how to reset when we do.  All the hard work we do as parents to strategically establish a solid spiritual foundation for our […]

How Can God Forgive Sins Like Abuse, Rape, and Murder?

I never know where a conversation is going to go when I start an interview. I do a lot of research, and I have a thorough outline prepared, but sometimes the conversation goes a direction that I didn’t expect.  My recent conversation with Elizabeth Urbanwicz went like that.  We were talking about the attributes of God, in particular […]

What Do People Who Leave the Faith often Get Wrong about God?

You have probably heard of the deconstruction movement. Young people who are leaving the Christian faith find it cathartic to share stories of how they are deconstructing  what they once believed bit by bit. This is a growing trend within evangelical circles. With a majority of Christian kids leaving the faith after they leave the nest, the number of young people […]

What Question Burns in the Heart of Your Gen Z Child?

Years ago, I heard a lecture from a Vanderbilt professor on the questions that burn in the heart of the three previous generations. At the time, Gen Z was quite young, so we did not know the question keeping this generation up at night. But for Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials, the questions were […]

How Does God Bring Beauty from the Broken Places in Our Lives?

Brokenness is a reality of life. We all experience it. Something breaks each and every one of us, usually many things. But God promises to use our brokenness to find beauty in this world. In the latest episode of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD, I continue my heart-warming conversation with Andy Howard, a father who received a devastating diagnosis with his first child that broke him. As we heard in […]

When God Doesn’t Answer Our Prayers the Way We Hoped He Would

It is so hard when God’s answer is no—for us and for our kids. There are times in our lives when we pray and we fast and we hope for a miracle and we speak the Word of God over a situation in our lives—and God is still faithful—but He doesn’t give us the answer we hoped for. The answer we prayed for. The answer that this person might have gotten and […]

What Question Burns in the Heart of Your Child?

One prevailing question burns at the heart of each generation—one question keeps them up at night. Understanding this question helps us to reach people of every age, especially our kids. For the Baby Boomers, people born in the 40s, 50, and 60s, that question is: What is TRUE? Like the great philosophers of old, this […]

What Critical Foundation Do Many Parents Miss When Discipling Their Kids?

Where does discipleship in the home start? Do you use a particular curriculum or a new Bible study or is there a check list that gets the job done?  Look… all of those things can be helpful, but they aren’t where discipleship starts.Discipleship needs to begin with a spiritual truth that so many parents miss because oftenthey don’t understand it themselves. That truth is identity. […]

5 Simple Habits That Will Reduce Stress in Your Parenting

You know that there isn’t a more stressful job in life than raising children to be God-loving, God-fearing, competent, motivated, responsible adults. After all, that is the goal. A large part of that process, we don’t have control over. But there are parts that we do. There are habits we can employ that will reduce stress and promote peace in our parenting. Because hey… being a less stressed, […]

How Can A Good God Allow So Much Evil and Suffering in the World?

Do you know what the biggest barrier to our kids’ faith is?  I didn’t. Not until I was researching for CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD‘s recent series on Gen Z. I was prepping for my interviews with Dr. Jonathan Morrow (episodes 54 & 55), and I ran across this statistic from Barna Research: “Asked about barriers to belief, 29 percent of Gen Z members said it’s because ‘I have […]