
Mothering can make you feel culturally irrelevant, like you’re on the margins of society looking for a way back to civilization. Your daily list of chores aren’t resume worthy, and your professional skill set is growing obsolete. That modern woman is empowered, independent, and equal in society.

The Mere Mother, not so much.

You may not feel equal in the “real” world, but you are here! Grab a cup of coffee and pull up a chair as we talk about how you can thrive as a mom in this woman-empowered culture.


Mothering can make you feel culturally irrelevant, like you’re on the margins of society looking for a way back to civilization. Your daily list of chores aren’t resume worthy, and your professional skill set is growing obsolete. That modern woman is empowered, independent, and equal in society.

The Mere Mother, not so much.

You may not feel equal in the “real” world, but you are here! Grab a cup of coffee and pull up a chair as we talk about how you can thrive as a mom in this woman-empowered culture.

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Practical Ways to Disciple Gen Z with Dana Che

Raising the next generation presents some very unique challenges. Recent statistics show that over half of Gen Z children raised in the faith are leaving the church after they leave the nest. And recent research from Barna shows that only 4% of Gen Z has a Biblical worldview.  How do you disciple them?  How do you relate?  What obstacles do they face and how can you teach them to pray? All of those questions will be answered on CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD in a new  4-part series on Gen Z Joining me […]

8 Things Parents Can Learn from a Survivor of Teen Suicide

Did you know that 20 young people take their own lives every day in the United States? I recently sat down with one such teen on CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD, a podcast that tackles tough topics for parents from a biblical worldview. Emma Benoit had a picture-perfect life. She was a vibrant, beautiful 16-year-old varsity cheerleader whose secret […]

8 Ways to Build a Better Relationship with Your Kids This Year

How can you eat better, sleep better, exercise better, work better, play better, spend better, save better, serve better, worship better, and pray better? Those are very good questions to ask at the beginning of a new year. But how can you improve your relationship with your kids this year? Now that’s a question for […]

12 Ways To Improve Your Relationships with Your Kids This Year

How can you eat better, sleep better, exercise better, work better, play better, spend better, save better, serve better, worship better, and pray better? Those are very good questions to ask at the beginning of a new year. But how can you improve your relationship with your kids this year?  Now that is a question for parents […]

Five Family-Centered Films for Christmas

So I was looking up a review on Rotten Tomatoes recently, and I noticed a list of “The Top 100 Christmas Movies of All Time.” I figured that was worth a look. This list placed a movie called Tangerine at number four. Brace yourself for the description:  “After hearing that her boyfriend/pimp cheated on her while she was in jail, a […]

Talking to Your Kids about Biblical Sexuality

Your kids cannot go into a public restroom these days, turn on the television, go to school, or play high school or collegiate sports without being confronted with the question of sexuality. Who defines it? Our politicians, our celebrities, our educators, our feelings, or God? As Christian parents, this is the most relevant cultural issue […]

What Can We Learn from a Survivor of Teen Suicide? Emma Benoit Interview (Part 2)

Suicide is a reality that no one wants to face. But we need to. Even if our own kids never struggle with mental illness, even if they never consider ending their own life, they know someone who has or who will. We need to be prepared, and we need to prepare our kids. One thing I learned […]

How Do We Prevent Suicide in Our Families? Emma Benoit Interview (Part 1)

Did you know that 20 young people take their own lives every single day in the United States? I recently sat down on CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD with one such teen for a two-part series on teen suicide. Emma Benoit had a picture-perfect life. She was a vibrant, beautiful 16-year-old varsity cheerleader whose secret battle with […]

How Is Our Culture Distorting Sexuality and Harming Children?

Have you noticed that just mentioning God’s plan for our sexuality has become hate speech these days? How did that happen? Erin Barry of The Home Educated Mind joins me to answer that question in episode 48 of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD. As we conclude this vitally important series on sexuality, Erin and I dig into the overarching narratives that are competing with the […]

What Is Our Culture Teaching Our Kids about Sexuality?

Biblical sexuality and cultural sexuality are diametrically opposed to one another. Our kids are neck deep in a culture that says everything the Bible teaches on sexuality is not only wrong but oppressive, divisive, and hateful. As parents, we need to know what our culture is saying about sexuality. We must know where these ideas […]