Our social and political landscape is incredibly contentious. We need some guidelines to help us and our kids navigate these treacherous waters. In this episode of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD, I discuss how to talk about sensitive topics with your kids, telling them the truth – which can be offensive – but with love. How do […]
At some point, we have all heard the admonition to “speak the truth in love.” But how exactly do we do that? And why? Where in Scripture are we instructed to “speak the truth in love?” So often we get this wrong in social media, in our churches, and in our families. And the damage […]
Have you watched the news lately? We live in a seriously messed up world. Downing a half hour of current events is sure to make your blood pressure sky-rocket. Does the Christian faith offer us some answers, some solutions? Yes. It does. And my latest podcast tells you how. It answers the question we all want to know, the […]
Yep… I’ve got another couple of episodes on worldview in me. This topic is so rich and deep. I just couldn’t leave without sharing some bonus material with you. Now that we’ve got a solid foundation on the primary worldviews from the last podcast (naturalism, postmodernism, theism, polytheism, pantheism, pluralism, and moralistic to therapeutic deism) […]
Our culture is in a war with our faith. The Biblical principles you are working to instill in your kids are under attack by competing worldviews, so you should learn more about them. Today, we’re getting brainy. But we’re also going to have a lot of fun. The subject of worldviews can be overwhelming and […]
Some might argue that we should simply teach our kids the principles of the Christian faith and ignore other worldviews. Isn’t knowing the truth enough? I don’t think so. We want our kid’s faith to be challenged. Resistance creates strength. Lack of resistance creates a wimpy, flabby faith. In this episode, I will give you FIVE […]
In the fourth episode of my new podcast, CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD, I tackle this critical question–Is Christianity Just a Religion of Do’s and Don’ts?Your kids need a solid answer to this question in order to stand strong in the faith. So do you. Many Christians have the wrong approach to God, and their faith becomes a labor-intensive checklist that is more of a burden than a delight. If that […]
Have you ever wondered if the Bible was just a book written by some ancient dead guys? I bet your kids have. And if they haven’t yet, I bet they will. This is one of the primary complaints I hear from people who discount Scripture. And it is a strong motivating factor in the youth […]
Do your kids have a faith of their own, or are they living off of yours? In the second episode of my new Life Audio podcast, CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD, you will learn what your children must experience to transfer their faith from the head to the heart. To listen, click HERE. EPISODE LINKS: A new […]
For your kids to stand strong in the faith, they must learn how to wrestle for it. In the third episode of my new Life Audio podcast, CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD, discover seven steps that you can take to help your children contend for their faith. Click on the image below to hear the podcast (or you can listen on […]