
Why Are So Many Kids Falling Away from the Faith?

WELCOME to the debut episode of my new podcast with LIFE AUDIO… CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD! Yes, I have a new podcast. It’s the perfect time to start a podcast, isn’t it? I’m kidding. The timing is terrible. Everyone and their mother and their mother’s brother has a podcast. Literally. Leave it to me to wipe […]

Job Performance

Hit the play bar above to hear this blogcast. What this mother learned about work from a famous father and a legendary Son. He was a very famous father, only he wasn’t known for being a dad. He changed the world with his inventions, his ingenuity, his ambition, and his genius. Tragically, his life was […]

I Want To Live in a Hallmark Film

Sometimes… I want to live in a land where the worst thing that happens is that my boyfriend forgot to tell me that he is next in line for the throne to of a tiny European country

God is Good, But This Isn’t

Seven-hundred women sing with reckless abandon, “You are good, good, oh. You are good, good, oh.” Hands stretch high as they harmonize the heavenly tune.


Today’s message is a tribute to all the mama birds out there and our little birdies who are about to fly.

Made to Mother

Today, I want to tell you a story about a race I never wanted to run, and a life I never wanted to live.

Helena in Heaven

Today, I want to tell you a story about a dream that died a long time ago, but it isn’t quite dead.

Granny’s Housecoat

Today, I want to tell you a story about an ancient garment that never gets old.

Silver Bells and Silver Linings

Today, I want to tell you a story about how the season of silver bells offers us a silver lining.

A Full Life

Today, I want to talk to you about the standard you use to measure the meaning in your life.