“I’m livin’ for May! I’m livin’ for May!” I said, more times than I could count. Back in January and February, this mantra played like a broken record in my mind. I would mouth the words to a fellow mom across the pews in our homeschool co-op, deep into an afternoon grammar class as my […]
Three years ago, a miracle was born. I prayed that she would sing. Before she was born, before she was even conceived—I prayed that God would give her the gift of melody. I’d had a dream of a young girl with a powerful voice. When she sang, men cried and women would fall to their […]
This article was originally published on Crosswalk and iBelieve. These are the steps God led me through to find redemption after a miscarriage, but they can be applied to any devastating loss. I pray that these steps bring hope and life to you, too. I had no reason to hope. I had several very large fibroid […]
It’s been more than a decade since the infamous “wardrobe malfunction” with Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake, which caused a huge uproar in 2004. But Super Bowl LIV’s halftime show, featuring performances by Shakira and Jennifer Lopez, lit up Facebook and Twitter feeds like the Fourth of July. Backlash swelled across cyber space like a […]
My two-year-old toddler has an obsessive attachment to her dad these days. When he’s walking, she’s by his side. When he’s sitting, she’s crawling all over him. When he leaves the room for just a second, a pathetic cry can be heard throughout the house . . . “Daddy! Where’s . . . daddy? Where’s […]
Hit the play bar above to hear this blogcast. What this mother learned about work from a famous father and a legendary Son. He was a very famous father, only he wasn’t known for being a dad. He changed the world with his inventions, his ingenuity, his ambition, and his genius. Tragically, his life was […]
“We haven’t decided if we want to have more kids,” she said. It wasn’t an odd statement. Not at all. It was the kind of statement I had made for the first twenty years of our marriage. Actually, that’s not true. For the first ten years of our marriage, I said: “I don’t want to have […]
My son got saved at church last Sunday. After a passionate sermon and a moving invitation, I peeked over just in time to see his hand shoot up. I didn’t write down the date, though. He got saved the week before that, and the week before that, and a few weeks before that. We’ve gotten […]