
How Celebrating Advent Can Deepen Your Family’s Christmas Experience

Keeping Christ at the center of the Christmas season is always a challenge, especially for us crazy busy parents. The hectic pace of life intensifies during December, and often our focus shifts to the never-ending list of responsibilities and chores to complete before the big day. What’s a busy mom or dad to do? Well, for starters […]

How To Live Faithfully in a Culture Filled with Compromise

We are constantly facing cultural pressures that challenge our faith. Constantly. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, isn’t it? How can we hold onto our convictions and be a light in the darkness? And how can we teach our kids to do the same? Recently, I had the privilege of sitting down with Martyn Iles, CEO of Answers in Genesis, in Episode 127 of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD for a powerful conversation about living faithfully in a “lost culture.” Together, we explored the story of Daniel and his friends in Babylon—a story that feels so relevant to the challenges […]

What Most Christians Don’t Know about Living in a Lost Culture

In a world that’s drifting further from biblical truths, many Christian parents wonder: How can we stay true to our faith when the culture around us seems to be losing its way? What does it mean to live as a believer in a lost, “Babylonian” culture, and how can we guide our families through these challenges? […]

The Church’s Role in Protecting Women from Abuse

There’s a topic that the church rarely addresses because it challenges long-held beliefs and practices. That topic is… DOMESTIC ABUSE. AND THE FAILURE OF SOME CHURCHES TO PROTECT VICTIMS. The statistics and stories are heartbreaking. Churches should be sanctuaries, yet when it comes to domestic abuse, this isn’t always the case. Consider these alarming insights: […]

How Christianity Transformed the Status of Women

There’s a part of history that we often overlook, especially in the context of modern discussions on gender roles and marriage. What if I told you that Christianity has been revolutionary for women in ways many of us have never even considered? Let’s dive into that intriguing topic… because Christianity has transformed the lives of women throughout history and around the world.  THE RESHAPING OF WOMEN’S LIVES THROUGH CHRISTIANITY Our modern culture often argues that Christian teachings on marriage and femininity are oppressive or […]

Why Does Our Culture Hate Men?

In a world that is openly hostile to masculinity, does our faith offer a remedy? Consider these shocking examples of male-bashing in our culture:  As parents, we are raising our boys in a toxic stew misandry (hatred, contempt, or prejudice against men or boys), and we should be concerned. What do we as Christian parents […]

Why Are So Many Christian Kids Leaving the Faith?

Did you know that most studies indicate nearly half of all Christian young people will fall away from the faith after their freshman year of college… and they will never return?  That statistic is VERY sobering if you are a parent. If you aren’t concerned about the massive youth exodus from the faith, you should be. Kids are leaving the church in droves, and we need to know why. I covered this topic […]

This Common Lie Will Sabotage Your Parenting

Do you ever look at other families and assume that they have it all together and yours doesn’t? Do you look at other pristine and put-together moms or dads and think that you are a hot mess? Do you look at the successes of your friends while focusing on all of your failures? There is […]


To hear how this message applies to our parenting and our purpose, listen to Episode 121 of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD. There’s a place I’ve always wanted to live but have only seen from afar. Other people live there. I think. At least it looks like they do. A few times I visited this place in […]

How the Prosperity Gospel Fueled Purity Culture and Undermined Our Parenting

How has the Prosperity Gospel influenced Purity Culture, and what does that mean for parenting today?  The connections might surprise you. They surprised me.  Purity Culture, much like the prosperity gospel, promises rewards for adhering to specific behaviors, but it often leads to disappointment and shame. And all too often in the church, parents apply this same […]